Materials and Finishes
All of our standard finishes are designed to compliment a natural setting and weather gracefully, continuing to look good for many years with minimal maintenance. These are based on traditional methods and have been tried and tested for over a decade on public and outdoor sculpture.
These finishes are not intended to completely prevent corrosion but to allow controlled weathering over time without having to worry about peeling paint or plastic coatings.
All finishes offered are non toxic and minimise the use of environmentally harmful materials.
Some products such as the heavy duty plant stakes are supplied untreated and can simply be allowed to weather naturally outdoors.
The steel is treated with a vinegar solution to create surface rust and then thoroughly rinsed and dried. The surface is sealed with Danish Oil which penetrates the oxide layer and forms a tough, stable surface with is both resistant to further corrosion and easy to maintain as oil or wax can be reapplied as needed with minimal additional preparation.
Black Oxide
Very similar to the above but with the additional step of treating the surface oxide layer with a tannic acid based solution which converts the surface rust to ferric tannate a deep blue/black layer which can be sealed and stabilised by oiling. This treatment is non-toxic and environmentally safe.
Oil Blacking
The metal is cleaned and heated and a blend of vegetable oils is applied which very quickly polymerises to form a deep black semi-gloss coating, similar to the seasoning on a well cared for cast iron pan. This is the standard finish for steel grills and cooking accessories.
Heat coloured
Available for all metals. the piece is heated with a gas torch to create a range of colours from gold through to blues and purples making each piece unique. The colours are the result of the formation of a thin layer of oxides on the metal surface which refract light rather than being a pigment as such. While still warm the piece is waxed to fix the colours and provide a water resistant layer.
Note that this finish is somewhat more delicate than the others and isn't usually suitable for permanent outside use or in damp environments. For best protection wax regularly.
Stove Blacking
A traditional finish for cast iron, a hard wax blended with graphite, gives a satin black with silvery highlights.
Mild Steel
An extremely versatile material, mild steel lends itself very well to creative fabrication and and fits very well with a natural environment
Stainless Steel
The two most common grades of stainless for this sort of work are 304 and 316. Both have very good inherent corrosion resistance with 316 being a bit better especially for salt exposure eg in coastal areas. Stainless with a polished or satin finish can make a very striking statement in a natural setting
Long considered a premium material for sculpture bronze is an alloy of copper and tin. Naturally corrosion resistant bronze can also take a wide variety of patinas from mellow natural weathering to striking heat colouration and chemical patinas.